Sunday, December 29, 2019

Lifeline scam, information discrimination

For The General Public Record
This is to document the lifeline scam currently being done to this day. I have a access wireless android app broken phone. After reporting the crimes to access wireless 866-594-3644 customer service, a new phone was supposed to be sent within 48 hour's and arrive in 7-10 business days. I was given no confirmation # or any information about the shipment before she hung up after she refused to document the damages. That was after the 1st call was terminated by the access wireless agent for not responding while I was responding to the call. All video documented. Govern_mente mandated corporate fascism and total control of my information access.
Can I use my lifeline service to talk to the medical corporations scam? Or call legal help? Or document more corporate fascist government crimes? No, I'm government mandated fucked for sprints mega profit margins. And tax payers paid for the research and development of mobile phone technology so corporations can scam as many people as the bankrupt U.S.A. can possibly enforce it on.
I need a fulltime crew of attorneys just to try to get my government service's to function.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Corruption is all you know. FOIA book/novel/science/news/media Volume 2

For The General Public Record
Volume 2 FOIA fee waiver published publications for the public. Documenting alleged public servants crimes.
Please forgive the under construction phase.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9

Access wireless

For The General Public Record
Documenting access wireless. Uploaded proofs as stated by access wireless 12-11-2019 5:35 pm. Tried access wireless website, received email

Called 800-464-6010, only option is entering zip code, recording says go to .A redundant loop, without any human interaction.
Reloaded proofs. 
Received phone on Friday Dec 12/20/2019 uadc. 
By Dec 12/25/2019 the access wireless tw801 phone android app has made the phone useless. Hence endless sprint damages to scam my lifeline service mandated by the FCC scam.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

FOIA Public Record fee waiver book/news media/etc

For The General Public Record
This is a published documentary book about FOIA fee scams and the denial of fee waivers.
DOJ corruption is the mandatory start for this  scam. 
This documentary book, or whatever is required to accomplish fee waivers is in progress. Whatever modifications required will be made to achieve the fee waivers, please forgive the construction. This fee waiver novel is designed to document all the scams used by bankrupt democracies to exploit the people and this planet.
To directly document touching the orange gooGHOUL blogger publish link, I am video recording it.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9 
Volume 1

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Health and human services inspector General scam

For The General Public Record
This is to document the Health and human services inspector General discrimination . I submitted a complaint with facts and evidence documents, witnesses and list of the crimes. The best I could within the submittal limitations.
The HHS inspector General is so preemptively corrupt, it states it will not even reply. A money scam forcing me to pay for FOIA freedom of information act request.
Screenshot facts and evidence of a completely corrupt criminal government that can't investigate the high volume of its crimes is a crime. This is organized government crimes.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Gmail medical privacy scams

For The General Public Record
This to document the medical privacy violations and how your privacy is weaponized against the people.
The privacy scam is used by medical corporations and government to deny people access to their documents and or from documenting the medical profit scam.
It has also been used selectively not share my medical records, while many doctors are receiving my information to continue discriminating and refusing to diagnose my genetic disorder dystonia.
The privacy scam is now being used by  Congress men to effectively prevent me from going on the General Public Record to document the crimes on their one way submittal online contact.
The Congress online submittal also requires an address, denying homeless people any form of contact. And then you will receive an email that you can't respond to.

The peak document clearly states this is a private document. Yet googhoul gmail accesses all my private documents including medical records from medical corporations. 
These forms of information interference and illegal private data are refused to be investigated and claims filed by the agencies of the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. 
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

No contact scam

For The General Public Record
This is to document the no contact scam.
Standard corporation and corporate paid for politicians scam. Just like the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE agencies scam. Compartmentalization of non contact. I can't even be given a  functional email to stop me from documenting the facts and evidence of his crimes. This is directly obstruction of justice and misapropiating funds.
Public servants that can't be contacted to cover up their crimes is not any form of representation except representing crimes .
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9 

Mail discrimination

For The General Public Record
This is to document the mail discrimination being done to me Leif Bennett. Tampering with my mail is a federal crime. Apparently it's perfectly acceptable for the STATE OF COLORADO CORPORATION and the bankrupt U.S.A. to the zionist run FEDERAL RESERVE private for profit LLCORPORATION to do to Leif Bennett. In particular if you are trying to starve and or have Leif Bennett suicided to cover up the crimes.
Just documenting the crimes becomes nearly impossible with the relentless interference of mail, email, internet access and getting my lifeline services.
You can't even establish residency if you can't get your mail. Standard procedure being done to me since 2016.
I can't transfer files from my phone to my laptop, again. This started in 2017.
How much money are government agencies using to discriminate against Leif Bennett and cover up and continue doing the crimes?
I will have to add the pictures saved on my laptop separately.
Complete fascism .
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9

Public services discrimination

For The General Public Record
This is to document the public services discrimination in the STATE OF COLORADO CORPORATION and the bankrupt U.S.A. to the zionist run FEDERAL RESERVE private for profit LLCORPORATION .
JCPL Jefferson county public library Golden just shut off the wi fi only to me again. 3rd or 4th time now everybody else in the library gets wi fi except Leif Bennett .

This is standard procedure. In 2016 the electricity was shut off to the area with benches at bishop park by WESTMINSTER CORPORATION to stop Leif Bennett from having basic human rights public service's. And everybody else did not get electricity also to punish and discriminate against Leif Bennett. 
This is an effective way to stop me from documenting the crimes and having freedom of speech .
Golden city has free downtown wi fi for everyone except Leif Bennett .
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9 

Sunday, December 1, 2019


For The General Public Record
Terraforming is an observable fact for beings who exist on planet earth. Terraforming gets labeled names like geoengineering, global warming or climate change. New label = climate crisis. The terraforming of Terra firma remains the same.
The cause is debatable yet the effect is not. Even if it's just greedy humans as the cause.
The standard procedures and methodology is the same. I have completely failed to document these procedures and methods so far. That will be a bit of work.
This is the primary problem affecting all earthlings. When the solutions are available and specifically not used it's not by accident or coincidence. It is by design.
Then for who or what is the terraforming For?
The facts and evidence, so far have been unescapable.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9

lifeline investigtion

For The General Public Record
I have been documenting these lifeline services scams since 2017. The standard bankrupt democracies corporate mandated profit scam at work.
Govern_mente program for the underprivileged $> corporate service provider scams <$ underprivileged get scammed $> government agencies refuse to make the corporation abide by the rules or investigate the crimes. The subsidized profits at the expense of the underprivileged to make society worse. The cell phone was a military development, paid for by the People. The people get deficit debt slavery by the govern_mente and the corporations get the technology for profits and extortion.
A list of the lifeline service providers for Colorado . V = voice minutes.
Access wireless 1000v , 50mb of data
American assistance 1000v 2gb data
Assurance wireless 350v 2gb data
Life wireless   unknown
Qlink wireless 1000v  1gb data
Stand up wireless  unlimited v 1gb or 500mb
Tag mobile 1000v 1gb data
Tempo mobile  unlimited v  1gb data
Terracom wireless 1000v  data unknown
Truconnect 1000v  2gb data no device
Safetynet wireless 1000v 50mb data 25$ fee
Entouch wireless  no info given
Comment four corners doesn't exist
Viearo wireless 1000v 2gb data 10$ discount.
The 10$ discount is never properly explained by government or corporations. 2 companies are operating within the FCC lifeline minimum standards rules and rights. Get stuck with a crap device or no device. Can't verify my device will work and then wait for 60 days after service shut off to start the legal battle with a corporation to get lifeline service on it.
ACC and the STATE OF COLORADO CORPORATION/ DORA/ PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION and congressman will do nothing to stop the crimes.
The STATE OF COLORADO CORPORATION DEPT OF HUMAN RESOURCES will provide me with a document having the wrong address on it so sprint/assurance wireless can steal my lifeline account though. I will document that scam latter.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9