Thursday, July 30, 2020

corona = crown

Corona viruses scam = crown corporation scam.
SARS, Mers, covid 19 are all novel corona viruses. Please show me the test that verify the difference between the strain variations.
Entirely probable you were infected with a form of corona viruses year's ago.
Now the corona virus can cause every form of medical ailment. And the hospitals had to be shut down for you're protection = any death just became a corona virus related death.
The corporate Media manipulation is an after school special for academic overindoctrinated child mind zombies.
I have plenty of experience with for my medical security I can't document doctors genetic and disability discriminating acts of fraud. Refusing to diagnose my genetic disorder dystonia.
I have plenty of video of doctors lying on YouTube.
Maximizing medical corporations profits while turning humans into Orwellian opticon zombies.
Can't just blame the narcissist global technocrats, humans are thoughtless enough to consume the bullshit.

NASA mars rover

NASA launches a rover to not look for life.
Mars has a polar ice cap that recedes and grows = water. Yet the rover is not going there to look for life = more NASA/NAZI bullshit.
All the fake, can't take a picture of itself rover pictures are a shining example of NASA/NAZI bullshit.

orwellian mask vaccination police

The mask and vaccination police narcissistic Orwellian opticon  of control. 
You take the vaccination to have immunity yet everyone else has to take it also = vaccination immunity bullshit.
You wear a non air tight sealed mask for protection, yet everyone else has to wear it also = non air tight sealed mask protection bullshit.
Biological agent's are no different than hazardous materials protection. If you're not wearing an air tight sealed respirator with an effective filter, your pissing in the wind.
Restricting your airflow = self incubation.
Were all in this together, as long you're the one starving and freezing to death in the street's homeless with armies of corrupt militarized corporate agent police filing prison's for profits corporate slave labor.
Orwellian opticon of mindless control narcissism.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

$ earnings denied

For The General Public Record
GooGHOUL earnings, including YouTube. I have not given gooGHOUL, YouTube or Facebook (in q tel/C.I.A. corporate fascist) any information to deliver any form of payment to me. I specifically won't accept any form of payments for the works I do. I document many criminal activities by criminals who say you don't have my permission to record me = corporate fascist crimes. The government's pay private corporations public fund's to commit crimes and the employees can just say your don't have my permission to record these crimes. I directly record these crimes and will continue to post them on these interwebnet platform's. I do not receive any form of profit so there is no cause for any corporate jurisdiction lawsuits.
C.I.A. shareholders > in q tel>Microsoft>apple>gooGHOUL>YouTube, etc corporate fascist utilize this system to cover up crimes. The deplatforming, shadow banning cancel culture scam is used to discriminate, commit crimes and manipulate politics, market's and society in general.
These corrupt corporate fascist are criminals who are discriminating in every form, genetic, race,religion, political, gender and species.
I will continue to document these crimes only the public good of the species of this planet.
Example = gooGHOUL can illegally access my medical documents and information from gmail. While denying me access to my email's with my medical and genetic information. YouTube can ban video's of my genetic disorder and give no reason for it. I can't record doctor's refusing to diagnose my genetic disorder dystonia and commit medical fraud, for years.
That is systemic discrimination and corruption = corporate fascism.
Thanks, duly noted, Lief Bennett= DR3D9
I will continue to use these platform's in direct documentation of facts and evidence of these crimes.