Thursday, July 30, 2020

orwellian mask vaccination police

The mask and vaccination police narcissistic Orwellian opticon  of control. 
You take the vaccination to have immunity yet everyone else has to take it also = vaccination immunity bullshit.
You wear a non air tight sealed mask for protection, yet everyone else has to wear it also = non air tight sealed mask protection bullshit.
Biological agent's are no different than hazardous materials protection. If you're not wearing an air tight sealed respirator with an effective filter, your pissing in the wind.
Restricting your airflow = self incubation.
Were all in this together, as long you're the one starving and freezing to death in the street's homeless with armies of corrupt militarized corporate agent police filing prison's for profits corporate slave labor.
Orwellian opticon of mindless control narcissism.

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