Thursday, September 20, 2018

mandated suffering and poverty

Thursday 9-20-2018 unaccurate calendar.
having a dystonic storm today started around 3 am last night. I just started a job last week at scam amazon. Less than a week and my dystonia is already going to loose me another job. I have already vomited today, video attached. but all I can do is my best to make it through the day at work.
A complete fascist government that will mandate I have a life of suffering and poverty before I was born and done everything they possible can to cover it up and keep doing it to as many people as they can for as long as they can.
All I can do is document it as well as I can using the amazon emergency services and their scam employee help center before I get fired. attached are some disgusting videos of today, my dystonia making me vomit. The pain is too much to explain.
A government, a child sacrifice religion and speculative fake free masonic scam to do this to earthlings. doctors who refuse to look at my symptoms, refuse to diagnose me, refuse me medications and will go so far as call the police on me before another doctor can be allowed to give a list of physicians. I have video and documented facts and evidence for this. A fascist government that will send armies of police to harass, intimidate and threaten my life daily to enforce this suffering and poverty. Selfish baby boomer parents who will steal all my property, falsify my documents, violently attack and abuse me and the corrupt police will do everything they can to put me in prison for someone's profit for it. A  alcoholic catholic child sacrifice worshipper landlord who gave birth to me that is so selfish she needs to starve and abuse my cat to feel big about herself.
I laugh at all of these cowards who don't have anything that resembles a shred of dignity or a spec of mercy. If they were not so completely utterly beyond selfish to point of having to make others suffer to have something to enjoy to fill their complete emptiness, THEY don't have the dignity to kill me to end the suffering.
And its so wonderful starving and being 50 pounds under weight in the fascist state of Colorado that has wrongfully denied me food assistance for over 6 years now. But the rich corporations have to throw away millions of dollars worth of food for their profit every day.
I laugh at you cowards there is no torture you can do to me, cut off my ears and or my eyes and I will thank you because I wont feel that pain any more. Please chop off my head if you can manage to cut through the muscle in my neck that is stronger than iron from dystonia. That all doctors and all the money they spent to pay themselves wont look at and refuse to diagnose and refuse to give me anything for the pain. The best part is the simple solution of a DBS implant THEY refuse to even acknowledge, all for selfish reasons. Whatever THEY are have unquestionably proved THEY beyond selfish. How do you get beings like my parents who will give my inheritance away to support those who would continue doing this to more children and do everything THEY can to prove how selfish THEY are. Are THEY trying to win some kind of award for being the most selfish causing as much suffering child sacrificer's THEY can be?

Monday, September 10, 2018

pray for death

dystonia, wish I was dead today. hurts to look at a monitor. over 20 years of this. cant even get fascist American doctors to give me anything for the pain or even diagnose my dystonia, they all just perform the same scam test to scam more money. give me less than 2 weeks to get a new neurologist or start over with the primary care provider scam for more money. for documenting how fascist Dr Haug refused me medications for the pain, fascist dictator Dr haug mandates I can only take his pharma core drug dealer program of drugs that make me so bad I cant get out of bed. How did I get sent to fascist dr haug when I requsted dr Kumar. just another STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND MEDICAID SCAM. and social services disability. how much tax payer money gets spent to make me live in misery and poverty
Done to keep the catholic adoption scam going in Colorado and continue doing this to the descendants of adopted people. Illegal for me to know about my dystonia and then destroy my life and make me suffer as much as possible because americans are the most selfish society that ever existed.
cant concentrate it hurts too bad. but I must finish at least this to document the most selfish generation that ever existed baby boomers and my parents who I can only think are trying to win some kind award for being the most selfish uncaring sociopath parents in history. those who kill their children have mercy compared to those who do everything they can to make their only child's life complete suffering and poverty as they  possibly can. So selfish they then blame me for everything. All that matters is their lies and have proven they will do anything to destroy my life to live their lies.
Its all my fault for being born with a genetic disorder that comes from them and then blame me for it. And be as abusive as they possible can to make themselves feel big.
Complete catholic worship of the deity that demands child sacrifice. As much suffering, homelessness and poverty they could cause in my life. Even steal all my property so I cant sell it to have food.
Ghandy said poverty is the worse form of violence. Arthur John Bennett even gave my dog Lea away. Karol Janice Bennett will scam me into being homeless left with my cat in a box suffering from heat exaustion while she runs with over a 100,000 dollars and a new house.
The baby boomers are directly rersponsible for how selfish the human race has become.
being killed as a child would have been a birthday present compared to the life my parents did everything they could to destroy.
completely fucked over before I was born.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Catlolic abuse for Colorado

This is to document how far the STATE OF COLORADO will go to support abuse, domestic violence and cover it up to continue doing it to children. The police of Colorado will lie to this day to continue the child abuse. Thornton police Dept would hunt me down and return me to get abused as a child. The Westminster police dept supported Janice Karol Bennetts abuse for 25 years. Adams county sheriff Dept will send their officers to harass me multiple times a day, after they made me homeless police of many department magically get calls to have people come check on me in multiple counties, to harass me while I try to sleep. After I email how they are maki8ng my dystonia worse the police harass me more to make my dystonia even worse. Governor john Hickenlooper, Westminster mayor Herb Atchison, the whole Colorado house of representatives ( that were capable of being reached) were all informed. Including the F.B.I. and the Department of Justice all just choose not to investigate = complete discrimination and fascism.
Catholic abuse and sacrifice rituals must continue at all cost and you taxpayers pay to have my life destroyed to the point of starvation to keep catholic child abuse rape and murder continue and cover it up. Complete Corrupt Colorado. I have all the facts and evidence to show exactly why your streets are filled with homeless people, many with disabilities like me and then are targeted by police to fill contracted privately owned prisons for profits.
1 Colorado Catholic adoption scam. My life was determined to be a life of suffering before I was born because of their scam corporate statute scams they call laws. Illegal for me to know about my genetic disorder dystonia because the catholic abuse junky, Janice Karol Bennett who gave birth to me, cant get enough of her Abrahamic child sacrifice worship by abusing, stealing and destroying my property, falsifying documents and attempting to kill me. I have facts and evidence for all of this.
This is an example of the abuse they are covering up to this day. catholic abuse is enforced and covered up at all cost to the taxpayers of Colorado. I have over 40 years of police pointing guns at me, hunting me down to be abused more, threatening me, including my life, harassing me daily, refusing to investigate or stop or do anything but support the abuse, commit acts of fraud and lie to keep it covered up. All the way to the DOJ Department Of Justice who choose not to investigate because this happens so often they cant investigate.
Catholic priest who molest children get sent to Colorado churches to molest more children and have a good life
 All supported by the governor, mayor of Westminster, Colorado house of representatives, Colorado congressmen, Colorado police, the F.B.I. all the way to the Department of Justice. Why are you paying taxes to destroy my life, make me live in horrible pain from dystonia, refused healthcare and medications, have multiple doctors get paid to refuse to diagnose my dystonia, denied disability, denied food assistance until I weigh 130 pounds at 6 feet tall, 50 pounds underweight, have companies like Progressive Energy Solutions scam me out of pay for work I did, make me homeless, steal all my property. Thanks American taxpayers for paying to make my life to where I pray for death from you selfish beings.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Yesterday Friday 9-7-2018 uadc my roommate handed me my mail. While I opened it he noticed and said " that's been opened all ready" I nodded and said yes, no surprise standard procedure in the fascist bankrupt U.S.A. to the Zionist federal reserve slavery scam for me. Should I be thankful they allowed my mail to even be delivered? Absolutely not, yet they have done that in the past and delivered it without a timestamp so I could not use it to get any government mandated things like the drivers license.
Today 9-8-2018 uadc, my email to 7news was not sent through with facts and evidence of state, government crimes still being refused to investigate and covered up to this day.
At least I managed to not be starved, or put in prisons for profits for their crimes today.
The picture of the letter with the black marker trying cover the barcode was done by the post office lady, I grabbed it out of her hand to stop her destruction of the facts and evidence.