Monday, September 10, 2018

pray for death

dystonia, wish I was dead today. hurts to look at a monitor. over 20 years of this. cant even get fascist American doctors to give me anything for the pain or even diagnose my dystonia, they all just perform the same scam test to scam more money. give me less than 2 weeks to get a new neurologist or start over with the primary care provider scam for more money. for documenting how fascist Dr Haug refused me medications for the pain, fascist dictator Dr haug mandates I can only take his pharma core drug dealer program of drugs that make me so bad I cant get out of bed. How did I get sent to fascist dr haug when I requsted dr Kumar. just another STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND MEDICAID SCAM. and social services disability. how much tax payer money gets spent to make me live in misery and poverty
Done to keep the catholic adoption scam going in Colorado and continue doing this to the descendants of adopted people. Illegal for me to know about my dystonia and then destroy my life and make me suffer as much as possible because americans are the most selfish society that ever existed.
cant concentrate it hurts too bad. but I must finish at least this to document the most selfish generation that ever existed baby boomers and my parents who I can only think are trying to win some kind award for being the most selfish uncaring sociopath parents in history. those who kill their children have mercy compared to those who do everything they can to make their only child's life complete suffering and poverty as they  possibly can. So selfish they then blame me for everything. All that matters is their lies and have proven they will do anything to destroy my life to live their lies.
Its all my fault for being born with a genetic disorder that comes from them and then blame me for it. And be as abusive as they possible can to make themselves feel big.
Complete catholic worship of the deity that demands child sacrifice. As much suffering, homelessness and poverty they could cause in my life. Even steal all my property so I cant sell it to have food.
Ghandy said poverty is the worse form of violence. Arthur John Bennett even gave my dog Lea away. Karol Janice Bennett will scam me into being homeless left with my cat in a box suffering from heat exaustion while she runs with over a 100,000 dollars and a new house.
The baby boomers are directly rersponsible for how selfish the human race has become.
being killed as a child would have been a birthday present compared to the life my parents did everything they could to destroy.
completely fucked over before I was born.

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