Sunday, September 9, 2018

Catlolic abuse for Colorado

This is to document how far the STATE OF COLORADO will go to support abuse, domestic violence and cover it up to continue doing it to children. The police of Colorado will lie to this day to continue the child abuse. Thornton police Dept would hunt me down and return me to get abused as a child. The Westminster police dept supported Janice Karol Bennetts abuse for 25 years. Adams county sheriff Dept will send their officers to harass me multiple times a day, after they made me homeless police of many department magically get calls to have people come check on me in multiple counties, to harass me while I try to sleep. After I email how they are maki8ng my dystonia worse the police harass me more to make my dystonia even worse. Governor john Hickenlooper, Westminster mayor Herb Atchison, the whole Colorado house of representatives ( that were capable of being reached) were all informed. Including the F.B.I. and the Department of Justice all just choose not to investigate = complete discrimination and fascism.
Catholic abuse and sacrifice rituals must continue at all cost and you taxpayers pay to have my life destroyed to the point of starvation to keep catholic child abuse rape and murder continue and cover it up. Complete Corrupt Colorado. I have all the facts and evidence to show exactly why your streets are filled with homeless people, many with disabilities like me and then are targeted by police to fill contracted privately owned prisons for profits.
1 Colorado Catholic adoption scam. My life was determined to be a life of suffering before I was born because of their scam corporate statute scams they call laws. Illegal for me to know about my genetic disorder dystonia because the catholic abuse junky, Janice Karol Bennett who gave birth to me, cant get enough of her Abrahamic child sacrifice worship by abusing, stealing and destroying my property, falsifying documents and attempting to kill me. I have facts and evidence for all of this.
This is an example of the abuse they are covering up to this day. catholic abuse is enforced and covered up at all cost to the taxpayers of Colorado. I have over 40 years of police pointing guns at me, hunting me down to be abused more, threatening me, including my life, harassing me daily, refusing to investigate or stop or do anything but support the abuse, commit acts of fraud and lie to keep it covered up. All the way to the DOJ Department Of Justice who choose not to investigate because this happens so often they cant investigate.
Catholic priest who molest children get sent to Colorado churches to molest more children and have a good life
 All supported by the governor, mayor of Westminster, Colorado house of representatives, Colorado congressmen, Colorado police, the F.B.I. all the way to the Department of Justice. Why are you paying taxes to destroy my life, make me live in horrible pain from dystonia, refused healthcare and medications, have multiple doctors get paid to refuse to diagnose my dystonia, denied disability, denied food assistance until I weigh 130 pounds at 6 feet tall, 50 pounds underweight, have companies like Progressive Energy Solutions scam me out of pay for work I did, make me homeless, steal all my property. Thanks American taxpayers for paying to make my life to where I pray for death from you selfish beings.

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