Saturday, September 8, 2018

Yesterday Friday 9-7-2018 uadc my roommate handed me my mail. While I opened it he noticed and said " that's been opened all ready" I nodded and said yes, no surprise standard procedure in the fascist bankrupt U.S.A. to the Zionist federal reserve slavery scam for me. Should I be thankful they allowed my mail to even be delivered? Absolutely not, yet they have done that in the past and delivered it without a timestamp so I could not use it to get any government mandated things like the drivers license.
Today 9-8-2018 uadc, my email to 7news was not sent through with facts and evidence of state, government crimes still being refused to investigate and covered up to this day.
At least I managed to not be starved, or put in prisons for profits for their crimes today.
The picture of the letter with the black marker trying cover the barcode was done by the post office lady, I grabbed it out of her hand to stop her destruction of the facts and evidence.

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