Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Commonwealth scam

For The General Public Record
Documenting the Commonwealth of nations scam. I have right to abode in England, only if I can afford the scam extortion fees apparently. My Common wealth rights are dependent on the residency scam. The residency statute corporate people are private property to the stakeholders?
All rights reserved for the Canada Immigration Center corporation and the Commonwealth corporation. Leif Rhymney Bennett has no rights apparently, just extortion fees he cant afford.
The slave master Arthur John Bennett, my sperm donor, drug dealer dead beat dad who never paid his child support. (fully enforced now by international governments Canada, UK and bankrupt U.S.A.) can go live in Canada to not go to the Vietnam war. I think my grandfather John Bennett lived in Canada nearly 100 years ago. Probably because we have distant family in Canada.
Yet Leif Bennett cant get a response from Canada, the Commonwealth and the Home Office in England/UK. Please find me any way to contact These scam corporations about my right to abode?
I am only the son of Arthur John Bennett if I can afford the corporate government all rights reserved fees.
Comparatively, I have corrupt police harassing me daily for their over 40 years of enforcing catholic abuse. yet I cant get a response about my human, civil and commonwealth rights violations being done to me to this day.
The Canada Immigration Center Scam. They urge you to use the online format, Yet it is impossible to do that. Standard procedure in corporate bankrupt governments to private for profit bankers.
I will now document how far these bankrupt governments will go to continue discriminating against Leif Rhymney Bennett.
People in prisons cant have their rights violated the way my rights are. Cant starve the prisoners like Leif Rhymney Bennett gets starved, wrongfully denied every benefit for 7 years now. Cant have police enforce catholic violence to prisoners and lie about and cover it up.
I live in mandated violence, poverty and pain enforced by armies of corrupt police at gun point.

Arthur John Bennett can get arrested for selling pounds of cocaine, just return to England and never pay his child support , and International governments will enforce that on Leif Rhymney Bennett.
Leif Rhymney Bennett will have all his rights violated by international governments, to the point of starvation, for being born with the genetic disorder/disability dystonia and having police enforce a catholic abuse junky for over 40 years.
I will document these crimes and all the Googhoul, facebook, youtube censorship and shadow banning to enforce the crimes. Its against their code of conduct to do anything to stop government crimes. And will do everything possible to cover up and lie about the crimes so they will continue.
The Canada Immigration Center scam, you cant download the PDF application because you don't have the correct version of the software. When I actually do have that version of the software already. Just another bureaucrat computer glitch scamming Leif Bennett into starvation or prisons for profit.
Do you know how many statute/code scams I have gotten changed? I have lost track, Its astonishing how relentless THEY are at perpetrating every crime THEY possible can.

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