Thursday, May 30, 2019

For The General Public Record
Documentation of the continued discrimination and utilization of fraud and compartmentalization to deny people basic human rights.
These are screenshots from the Canada government website and the UNITED NATIONS OHCHR complaint procedure website.
A series of scams that deny you the ability to apply as a refugee = the legalized police enforced starvation in my case, 233 people died homeless in the streets of Denver Colorado during 2018. 218 people died homeless in the streets of Denver Colorado during 2017.
The Canada refugee scam, The adobe update scam that prevents me from downloading the PDF application forms. How can you apply without the forms?
The endless update your adobe reader scam to deny people access to the forms required to apply. I have the adobe reader version required to view the form. I even went through the whole process of going to adobe and making sure it was updated to the format required. Complete corporate fascism, adobe reader is not required to print out the form. I should be able to download the PDF document, take it to the library and print it out without ever needing adobe, or whatever endless update scam that is being utilized.
Here is a screenshot of the adobe application that says it is the correct version to view the form, that I don't need to use to print out the form regardless. I just documented this scam still occurring today, I have emailed numerous Canada immigration agencies about this including the only complaint contact available to the border services. Lets document that complaint scam process now. None of these contact applications are confirming that the complaint is being received anymore, perhaps that is just for Leif Rhymney Bennett.

The UNITED NATIONS human rights complaint version of the application scam. I downloaded the UN OCHR complaint form, Its a word document not a free PDF. The procedures and instructions for filing a complaint are PDFs but you have to pay Microsoft for word to be able to file the complaint. That is corporate fascism in full effect. The UNITED NATIONS CORPORATION mandates profit for the MICROSOFT CORPORATION word software to file a complaint. I cant afford to buy food or pay rent but MICROSOFT doesn't have enough money. The instructions are in PDF yet the form is only available in MICROSOFT word.
Canada requires me to get the OHCHR corporation refugee documentation for my refugee status.
screenshot of  the PDF instructions and a screenshot of the MICROSOFT word software mandatory use for the form.
Standard procedure of corporate fascism utilization of compartmentalization to deny poor people the ability to file complaints and mandate profits for corporations like MICROSOFT who don't have enough money. This is an exact example of how corporations like the UNITED NATIONS  CORPORATION causes 30,000 children to die of poverty every day, using the old unacurate anno dominae calander scam year 2000 reports.
Full documentation of how the these government all rights reserved limited liability corporations, the bankrupt USA to the zionist run private for profit FEDERAL RESERVE CORPORATION, the government of Canada CORPORATION, the England/UK CORPORATION and the COMMONWEATH OF NATIONS CORPORATION will force me to stay in the bankrupt USA CORPORATION discriminated against homeless denied food assistance and healthcare for 7 years now, fully documented to the point of starvation. For being born with the genetic disorder dystonia and surviving over 40 years of police enforced catholic abuse.
I have a 100% do not get the job ratio for telling the truth about my dystonia on job applications.

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