Friday, November 22, 2019

Corporate fascism documentation

For The General Public Record
How much money will bankrupt U.S.A. puppet politicians spend on campaigns this year?
How many homeless people are there in the bankrupt U.S.A.?
Or people in bankrupt U.S.A. prisons for profits?
Some bankrupt democracies corporate fascism equations and methodology patterns.
Corporate fascism = corpS $ > puppet politicians campaign's $ > corpS advertising.
War monger = AIPAC $ > puppet politicians $ > isreal/AIPAC wars.
Do a homeless to billionaires equation for your bankrupt democracy, please.
And the Rothschilds/mayers, Rockefellers, Du Ponts, etc don't get on the billionaires list?
Thanks,dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9
A media article about how your better off with the corrupt corporate puppet politicians ripping off the people.
Corporate media whores advertising crimes.

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