Saturday, December 29, 2018

false wages and statements

corporations false wage statements and the STATE OF COLORADO uses them to deny me benefits and then comes after me for the crimes of the corporations and STATE OF COLORADO utilizing these false statements to deny me benefits. Attached are screenshots and pictures. how many years of fraud used by the government and corporations to deny me everything, credit reports, emission, auto insurance, healthcare and even food. You can attempt to kill Leif Bennett and the police will harass me daily for it. I started working at amazon in September but they can commit fraud and say I made money in from may. I have witnesses.

unquestionably I am a targeted individual of the MAS INT , bankrupt U.S.A. joint intelligence services program, and some good researchers have revealed the estimated cost of this program is 8 million $ per individual. your tax dollars at work to starve me, make me homeless and live in agonizing pain.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

good morning to pain

wake up to pain that would make others scream. imagine having a cattle prod in your brain shooting through your eyes. all I can do is be as quiet as possible to not make my roommates suffer also. there is nothing I can do to vomit quietly, I apologize for that.
All so fascist STATE OF COLORADO and catholic charities adoption can cover it up and do to another person.
This is genetic discrimination, being enforced by armies of Colorado police, all the way to the Department of Justice that chooses not to investigate.
If I send an email telling Adams county sheriffs department how they are making my dystonia worse by interfering with my sleep, The fascist start harassing 3 times a night. That is genetic discrimination using a disability to cause pain and suffering.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

euthinizing myself

I am not suicidal. I am not going to take this pain much longer. please don't let Janice Karol Bennett or Arthur John Bennett collect any money from insurance policies they may have taken out on me, yes they are that selfish and only care about how much money they could make from me or slave labor they could scam me out of, or property they could steal from me.
again I am not suicidal, I would not make anyone live through this much pain. I would have the mercy to kill them. euthanizing myself is an option to end the suffering.
PLEASE don't let Janice Karol Bennett or Arthur John Bennett have anything to do with my death or make any decisions about funerals and such involving my demise. I don't want Janice Karol Bennett or Arthur John Bennett to be allowed to have anything to do with any type of service or visit any type of grave.
I want to be cremated. I don't want any type of Abrahamic child sacrifice deity worship to be allowed to say or do anything with my death. Its just a possible theory I have, but it is possible the spirit/force is attached to the physical body even after death. possibly why they embalm the body, like the Egyptians, and put it in a coffin to trap the spirit/force here on this planet. Just a theory. I would prefer to have my body used to feed animals, but that's not very realistic these days.

I AM NOT SUICIDAL, I AM NOT GOING TO KILL MYSELF TODAY OR EVEN NEXT WEEK OR NEXT MONTH. I will fully document this for a long time before I euthanize myself. I still have plans to try to make it to Canada or England to try to get healthcare if I can. And other plans I may come up with to end this suffering. Yet after I have tried everything I can, euthanizing myself is an option. Living a life of mandated pain suffering and poverty is absurd and idiotic.
Leif Bennett

endless pain

Another day of endless pain. vomiting with my brain and right eye feeling like its being pulled through the back of neck. over 6 years of legal war with the state of Colorado and their complete scam of medical system that fills the streets with disabled homeless by denying us healthcare and corrupt doctors that refuse to diagnose my dystonia.
 Dr wintergardner at metro community provider network would walk out of the appointment early, because I would stop her from just sitting there and play on her laptop refusing to feel the knot in my neck. after months of having my Medicaid wrongfully removed with no explanation.
Dr durbin at south federal family practice, so arrogant cant even let another Dr give me a list of physicians. made her call the police on me for his complete avarice.
Dr Haug Blue sky neurology. could not deny the test results that I have idiopathic neuropathy, yet refuses to diagnose me with dystonia and the D9 form for disability because he said that's a legal problem. puts me on gabapentin for dystonia but refuses to diagnose it. A scam member of the DMRF.  3 people at the dystonia support group left this DR. The gabapentin was worse than having dystonia, I could not do anything but lay in bed. I documented this, then he denied me medications even dyconaflex which helped on my mild days. DR Haug can mandate I stay on drugs that effect me so horribly and then discharge me saying I failed to follow through with treatment plans and recommendations. that only gave me 2 weeks to get another neurologist or go through the primary care scam again to get another referral. The bankrupt U.S.A. medical industrial complex of scam as much money as they can to do everything possible to make me homeless so corrupt Colorado police can come after me everyday to put me in their prisons for profits slave labor system to cover up their crimes.
pictures of the medical scams and pictures of facts and evidence of my dystonia.

Everynone at my dystonia support group knew I had dystonia, when they started talking about living at a lower altititude to help, I explained yes it will help for a while but your body will adjust and it be the same again, as I have gone through it living at lower altitudes in my travels. but I cant get diagnosed with dystonia. pictures of the tissue distortion that dystonia causes to me. I have plenty of video of muscle spasm and the vomiting that happens intermittently. I cant make this happen in front of doctors so I have to homeless starving and live in agonizing pain for corporations to make as much profit as they possible can. And when it did happen in front of social security dr Michael ionnati he refused to look at it, and denied me disability. his only concern was that I had threatened dr wintergardner with malpractice, his opening words in his evaluation and go ahead and report me. it is that completely corrupt in Colorado.

Friday, December 21, 2018

catholic adoption scams = child sacrifice

Catholic child sacrifice avarice = catholics claim they are discriminated against if they cant rape, steal, abuse/torture and kill your children.
I am currently genetically discriminated against for having dystonia, my apache culture is being genocidally destroyed. Armies of police harass me to cover up catholic child and adult abuse to the point of attempted manslaughter by Janice Karol Bennett, fully enforced and supported by multiple police departments, Department of Justice, F.B.I., governor Hickenlooper, mayor Herb Atkensen, and the whole Colorado house of representatives Wrongfully denied every government benefit for 6 years now. Force me to go to a child sacrifice church to get food, government gives the money to churches
 England gives me NHS (national health service)  because the bankrupt U.S.A, denies me residency, a scam to deny people benefits.
Over 800 dead babies in the Tuam, Ireland catholic adoption slave scam, 300,000 stolen babies in the spain adoption scam. But the catholics claim they are being discriminated against.
No end even in sight to the catholic child porn manufacturing and distribution rings, and people pay the government to have these catholic adoption agencies to continue raping, stealing, abusing and murdering children. Fully enforced and covered up by government and police.
Catholics will lie and claim they are being discriminated against.

catholics smiling about the slave they bought, yet nothing like how ecstatic they laugh and smile when they are abusing,torturing, raping or killing children.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

catholics 300,000 stolen children

catholic charities adoption = 300,000 stolen children in spain. This is to document how catholics are allowed to traffic children for decades/centuries and nothing will be heard in the corporate media and government will cover it up. If you are a Abrahamic deity child sacrifice WARshiper or the rings of catholic pedophile porn producing priest you get diplomatic immunity to distribute child porn. Basically its legally mandated, supported and covered up by police that catholics get to rape, torture, abuse, steal and murder your children. My life was destroyed by the catholic adoption and abuse scam before I was born, still committing genocide and discrimination, racial and genetic to American Indians to this very day and force me to live a life of agonizing pain for having a genetic disorder Dystonia. Catholic charities are allowed to have complete control over my Nde/Apache culture and heritage religion and sovereignty to this day, because the catholic abuse junky Janice Karol Bennett who gave birth to me was adopted at birth to catholic scam charities.
list of facts and evidence, articles and such. I will be trying share all information about the catholic child porn rings that they use diplomatic immunity to distribute catholic child porn. While the Governments and police cover up the global holy see child sacrifice human rights violations.

just took video of the image that wont insert, standard google fascist censorship. Google/you tube still has a video of my dystonia banned for no reason and will not answer why they banned it or do anything but continually use forum moderator and pseudo accounts to say give the url to banned video, that they wont explain how to get the url, cant get the url from the banned video they want from the banned video. And then the support forum moderator says he will ban me for reposting the same question again after they lock my post and wont answer why they locked the post. That is genetic discrimination and censorship of my Dystonia and racial discrimination and genocide to my Nde/Apache heritage and culture to this very day. lets see if the picture shows up in this blog post.
its a picture of catholic nuns who just received their baby/slave they bought from spain. With big smiles, not happy or smiling near as much as Janice Karol Bennett is when getting her catholic abuse junky fix while abusing her only child. that would be me, and the catholic is fully supported by police, STATE OF COLORADO, F.B.I. and D.O.J. to this day covering it up. They just blame the victim and send armies of police after me to keep raping, abusing, stealing, torturing and killing children. As per there child sacrifice religion. 1st demand of the Abrahamic deity = sacrifice your child to go to my heaven forever.