Friday, December 21, 2018

catholic adoption scams = child sacrifice

Catholic child sacrifice avarice = catholics claim they are discriminated against if they cant rape, steal, abuse/torture and kill your children.
I am currently genetically discriminated against for having dystonia, my apache culture is being genocidally destroyed. Armies of police harass me to cover up catholic child and adult abuse to the point of attempted manslaughter by Janice Karol Bennett, fully enforced and supported by multiple police departments, Department of Justice, F.B.I., governor Hickenlooper, mayor Herb Atkensen, and the whole Colorado house of representatives Wrongfully denied every government benefit for 6 years now. Force me to go to a child sacrifice church to get food, government gives the money to churches
 England gives me NHS (national health service)  because the bankrupt U.S.A, denies me residency, a scam to deny people benefits.
Over 800 dead babies in the Tuam, Ireland catholic adoption slave scam, 300,000 stolen babies in the spain adoption scam. But the catholics claim they are being discriminated against.
No end even in sight to the catholic child porn manufacturing and distribution rings, and people pay the government to have these catholic adoption agencies to continue raping, stealing, abusing and murdering children. Fully enforced and covered up by government and police.
Catholics will lie and claim they are being discriminated against.

catholics smiling about the slave they bought, yet nothing like how ecstatic they laugh and smile when they are abusing,torturing, raping or killing children.

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