Tuesday, December 18, 2018

catholics 300,000 stolen children

catholic charities adoption = 300,000 stolen children in spain. This is to document how catholics are allowed to traffic children for decades/centuries and nothing will be heard in the corporate media and government will cover it up. If you are a Abrahamic deity child sacrifice WARshiper or the rings of catholic pedophile porn producing priest you get diplomatic immunity to distribute child porn. Basically its legally mandated, supported and covered up by police that catholics get to rape, torture, abuse, steal and murder your children. My life was destroyed by the catholic adoption and abuse scam before I was born, still committing genocide and discrimination, racial and genetic to American Indians to this very day and force me to live a life of agonizing pain for having a genetic disorder Dystonia. Catholic charities are allowed to have complete control over my Nde/Apache culture and heritage religion and sovereignty to this day, because the catholic abuse junky Janice Karol Bennett who gave birth to me was adopted at birth to catholic scam charities.
list of facts and evidence, articles and such. I will be trying share all information about the catholic child porn rings that they use diplomatic immunity to distribute catholic child porn. While the Governments and police cover up the global holy see child sacrifice human rights violations.


just took video of the image that wont insert, standard google fascist censorship. Google/you tube still has a video of my dystonia banned for no reason and will not answer why they banned it or do anything but continually use forum moderator and pseudo accounts to say give the url to banned video, that they wont explain how to get the url, cant get the url from the banned video they want from the banned video. And then the support forum moderator says he will ban me for reposting the same question again after they lock my post and wont answer why they locked the post. That is genetic discrimination and censorship of my Dystonia and racial discrimination and genocide to my Nde/Apache heritage and culture to this very day. lets see if the picture shows up in this blog post.
its a picture of catholic nuns who just received their baby/slave they bought from spain. With big smiles, not happy or smiling near as much as Janice Karol Bennett is when getting her catholic abuse junky fix while abusing her only child. that would be me, and the catholic is fully supported by police, STATE OF COLORADO, F.B.I. and D.O.J. to this day covering it up. They just blame the victim and send armies of police after me to keep raping, abusing, stealing, torturing and killing children. As per there child sacrifice religion. 1st demand of the Abrahamic deity = sacrifice your child to go to my heaven forever.

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