Sunday, December 29, 2019

Lifeline scam, information discrimination

For The General Public Record
This is to document the lifeline scam currently being done to this day. I have a access wireless android app broken phone. After reporting the crimes to access wireless 866-594-3644 customer service, a new phone was supposed to be sent within 48 hour's and arrive in 7-10 business days. I was given no confirmation # or any information about the shipment before she hung up after she refused to document the damages. That was after the 1st call was terminated by the access wireless agent for not responding while I was responding to the call. All video documented. Govern_mente mandated corporate fascism and total control of my information access.
Can I use my lifeline service to talk to the medical corporations scam? Or call legal help? Or document more corporate fascist government crimes? No, I'm government mandated fucked for sprints mega profit margins. And tax payers paid for the research and development of mobile phone technology so corporations can scam as many people as the bankrupt U.S.A. can possibly enforce it on.
I need a fulltime crew of attorneys just to try to get my government service's to function.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Corruption is all you know. FOIA book/novel/science/news/media Volume 2

For The General Public Record
Volume 2 FOIA fee waiver published publications for the public. Documenting alleged public servants crimes.
Please forgive the under construction phase.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9

Access wireless

For The General Public Record
Documenting access wireless. Uploaded proofs as stated by access wireless 12-11-2019 5:35 pm. Tried access wireless website, received email

Called 800-464-6010, only option is entering zip code, recording says go to .A redundant loop, without any human interaction.
Reloaded proofs. 
Received phone on Friday Dec 12/20/2019 uadc. 
By Dec 12/25/2019 the access wireless tw801 phone android app has made the phone useless. Hence endless sprint damages to scam my lifeline service mandated by the FCC scam.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

FOIA Public Record fee waiver book/news media/etc

For The General Public Record
This is a published documentary book about FOIA fee scams and the denial of fee waivers.
DOJ corruption is the mandatory start for this  scam. 
This documentary book, or whatever is required to accomplish fee waivers is in progress. Whatever modifications required will be made to achieve the fee waivers, please forgive the construction. This fee waiver novel is designed to document all the scams used by bankrupt democracies to exploit the people and this planet.
To directly document touching the orange gooGHOUL blogger publish link, I am video recording it.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9 
Volume 1

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Health and human services inspector General scam

For The General Public Record
This is to document the Health and human services inspector General discrimination . I submitted a complaint with facts and evidence documents, witnesses and list of the crimes. The best I could within the submittal limitations.
The HHS inspector General is so preemptively corrupt, it states it will not even reply. A money scam forcing me to pay for FOIA freedom of information act request.
Screenshot facts and evidence of a completely corrupt criminal government that can't investigate the high volume of its crimes is a crime. This is organized government crimes.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Gmail medical privacy scams

For The General Public Record
This to document the medical privacy violations and how your privacy is weaponized against the people.
The privacy scam is used by medical corporations and government to deny people access to their documents and or from documenting the medical profit scam.
It has also been used selectively not share my medical records, while many doctors are receiving my information to continue discriminating and refusing to diagnose my genetic disorder dystonia.
The privacy scam is now being used by  Congress men to effectively prevent me from going on the General Public Record to document the crimes on their one way submittal online contact.
The Congress online submittal also requires an address, denying homeless people any form of contact. And then you will receive an email that you can't respond to.

The peak document clearly states this is a private document. Yet googhoul gmail accesses all my private documents including medical records from medical corporations. 
These forms of information interference and illegal private data are refused to be investigated and claims filed by the agencies of the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. 
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

No contact scam

For The General Public Record
This is to document the no contact scam.
Standard corporation and corporate paid for politicians scam. Just like the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE agencies scam. Compartmentalization of non contact. I can't even be given a  functional email to stop me from documenting the facts and evidence of his crimes. This is directly obstruction of justice and misapropiating funds.
Public servants that can't be contacted to cover up their crimes is not any form of representation except representing crimes .
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9 

Mail discrimination

For The General Public Record
This is to document the mail discrimination being done to me Leif Bennett. Tampering with my mail is a federal crime. Apparently it's perfectly acceptable for the STATE OF COLORADO CORPORATION and the bankrupt U.S.A. to the zionist run FEDERAL RESERVE private for profit LLCORPORATION to do to Leif Bennett. In particular if you are trying to starve and or have Leif Bennett suicided to cover up the crimes.
Just documenting the crimes becomes nearly impossible with the relentless interference of mail, email, internet access and getting my lifeline services.
You can't even establish residency if you can't get your mail. Standard procedure being done to me since 2016.
I can't transfer files from my phone to my laptop, again. This started in 2017.
How much money are government agencies using to discriminate against Leif Bennett and cover up and continue doing the crimes?
I will have to add the pictures saved on my laptop separately.
Complete fascism .
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9

Public services discrimination

For The General Public Record
This is to document the public services discrimination in the STATE OF COLORADO CORPORATION and the bankrupt U.S.A. to the zionist run FEDERAL RESERVE private for profit LLCORPORATION .
JCPL Jefferson county public library Golden just shut off the wi fi only to me again. 3rd or 4th time now everybody else in the library gets wi fi except Leif Bennett .

This is standard procedure. In 2016 the electricity was shut off to the area with benches at bishop park by WESTMINSTER CORPORATION to stop Leif Bennett from having basic human rights public service's. And everybody else did not get electricity also to punish and discriminate against Leif Bennett. 
This is an effective way to stop me from documenting the crimes and having freedom of speech .
Golden city has free downtown wi fi for everyone except Leif Bennett .
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9 

Sunday, December 1, 2019


For The General Public Record
Terraforming is an observable fact for beings who exist on planet earth. Terraforming gets labeled names like geoengineering, global warming or climate change. New label = climate crisis. The terraforming of Terra firma remains the same.
The cause is debatable yet the effect is not. Even if it's just greedy humans as the cause.
The standard procedures and methodology is the same. I have completely failed to document these procedures and methods so far. That will be a bit of work.
This is the primary problem affecting all earthlings. When the solutions are available and specifically not used it's not by accident or coincidence. It is by design.
Then for who or what is the terraforming For?
The facts and evidence, so far have been unescapable.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9

lifeline investigtion

For The General Public Record
I have been documenting these lifeline services scams since 2017. The standard bankrupt democracies corporate mandated profit scam at work.
Govern_mente program for the underprivileged $> corporate service provider scams <$ underprivileged get scammed $> government agencies refuse to make the corporation abide by the rules or investigate the crimes. The subsidized profits at the expense of the underprivileged to make society worse. The cell phone was a military development, paid for by the People. The people get deficit debt slavery by the govern_mente and the corporations get the technology for profits and extortion.
A list of the lifeline service providers for Colorado . V = voice minutes.
Access wireless 1000v , 50mb of data
American assistance 1000v 2gb data
Assurance wireless 350v 2gb data
Life wireless   unknown
Qlink wireless 1000v  1gb data
Stand up wireless  unlimited v 1gb or 500mb
Tag mobile 1000v 1gb data
Tempo mobile  unlimited v  1gb data
Terracom wireless 1000v  data unknown
Truconnect 1000v  2gb data no device
Safetynet wireless 1000v 50mb data 25$ fee
Entouch wireless  no info given
Comment four corners doesn't exist
Viearo wireless 1000v 2gb data 10$ discount.
The 10$ discount is never properly explained by government or corporations. 2 companies are operating within the FCC lifeline minimum standards rules and rights. Get stuck with a crap device or no device. Can't verify my device will work and then wait for 60 days after service shut off to start the legal battle with a corporation to get lifeline service on it.
ACC and the STATE OF COLORADO CORPORATION/ DORA/ PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION and congressman will do nothing to stop the crimes.
The STATE OF COLORADO CORPORATION DEPT OF HUMAN RESOURCES will provide me with a document having the wrong address on it so sprint/assurance wireless can steal my lifeline account though. I will document that scam latter.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Life wireless, viearo

For The General Public Record
Life wireless reply with the FCC minimum standards rules and rights attached = message not recorded. This is standard procedure , even by the F.B.I. and DOJ. These corporations refuse to document the crimes and the F.B.I . Refuses to take or document the facts and evidence. The DOJ refuses to investigate or file my claims while FSA CONTRACTORS get paid to do an intake = government mandated of human rights violations for private corporate shareholders profits.
And some pics of viearo wireless responding with advertising spam.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Life wireless documentation

For The General Public Record
Documenting life wireless lifeline scam. I tried life wireless last year.
Life wireless has no information about voice minutes, text or data available on their website before applying.
Last year when I had life wireless the data was the I pass app. A free wi fi using data app that only works when getting free wi fi. 
The only device was the x422a. Cheap but ok phone, but very limited.
I will only apply to life wireless again after I have investigated all available lifeline service providers. I will video customer service calls and wait for email and contact as I do with all the lifeline providers.
Can I get my lifeline services within the lifeline rules and rights?
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9 

Information fascism

For The General Public Record
Information fascism, discrimination documentation.
Lifeline govern_mente subsidized corporate profits for scamming those in need.

The FCC, @ UNIVERSAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE CO minimum standards rules and rights.

And the national verifier where I verified that I qualify and I'm eligible .
We the people $ > puppet politicians $ > FCC $ > UNIVERSAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE CORPORATIONS $ > communications corporations $ < scam the underprivileged we the people.
I get government corporate scammed. Document the crimes and get declared a terrorist for telling the truth about their crimes. And get to live with less than a prisoner or refugee.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9 
Denied after I've verified and provided the proofs, pic of drivers license, passport, Medicaid and food assistance cards.
= complete corporate for profit control of my benefits = corporate information fascism.
Just send an email with a dysfunctional link.

Occupation comparison

Occupation methodology and pattern.
occupied Palestine and America.
Reservations, evacuation, genocide, referred to as settlements in Palestine. The pattern is self apparent, exposing a recognizable methodology. 
Outline of one plan for the region. The odid zinon greater isreal project 1958.

Corporate fascism documentation

For The General Public Record
How much money will bankrupt U.S.A. puppet politicians spend on campaigns this year?
How many homeless people are there in the bankrupt U.S.A.?
Or people in bankrupt U.S.A. prisons for profits?
Some bankrupt democracies corporate fascism equations and methodology patterns.
Corporate fascism = corpS $ > puppet politicians campaign's $ > corpS advertising.
War monger = AIPAC $ > puppet politicians $ > isreal/AIPAC wars.
Do a homeless to billionaires equation for your bankrupt democracy, please.
And the Rothschilds/mayers, Rockefellers, Du Ponts, etc don't get on the billionaires list?
Thanks,dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9
A media article about how your better off with the corrupt corporate puppet politicians ripping off the people.
Corporate media whores advertising crimes.

Assurance wireless scam

For The General Public Record
This lifeline phone subsidized for corporate profits documentation, is a direct example of corporate fascism govern_mente  mandated profits targeting disabilities, medical problems and poverty .
Information = knowledge = power, these scams are by design.
FCC minimum standards = 1000 minutes/text, 2gb data and a mobile hot spot.
Assurance wireless = 350 voice minutes. A crap UMX phone, hope it doesn't overheat.
I have documented the virgin mobile/sprint criminals with the FCC criminals since 2017.
I easily find the criminal corporations back office, as I did sprints. I will document all of that here, I need to find and review the facts and evidence first.

Assurance allows bringing a device and better phones can be purchased. They give the UMX phone, hope it doesn't overheat burn up. It comes with unremovabal mu software advertising interruptions. Government subsidies profits for virgin mobile/sprint rules and rights violations with mandatory advertising on top.
Thanks, dually noted, Leif Bennett = DR3D9 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lifeline service scams

For The General Public Record
Investigating and documenting lifeline service scams.

 the lifeline service scams for shareholders profits.
The FCC rules and rights from the Universal services administrative co,  another corporation profiting from the underprivileged. Just like FSA contractors profits from human rights violations the DOJ agencies refuse to investigate or file claims.
Getting googhoul blog to function properly is a task with government mandated poverty.  I will document the crimes and damages being done on my shadowbanned gooGHOUL media.
I have been documenting these forms and methods of government mandated discrimination since 2012 uadc.
Access wireless has just not approved my application even though I have verified that I'm qualified by the lifeline national verifier Universal services administrative co at
I will document all the crimes and damages being done here For The General Public Record. Dually noted.
Access wireless is only giving 50mb of data, not the 2gb in the FCC rules and rights.
This will all be filed with the FCC, universal services and public utilities commission.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Primary care referral scam

For The General Public Record
Scheduled a primary care providers referral appointment at SCL healthcare. 2nd scl scam, back in May or April I went to Dr Ian Bach = never received referral and said they only have BLUE sky Neurology available up there. BLUE sky Neurology has refused me medications and services = Dr Hogue dmrf, 3 people in my dmrf support group left dmrf Dr Hogue.
Effectively being denied getting my genetic disorder dystonia, diagnosed to this day.
How much money spent in 8 years  now of every police enforced scam possible to make me live like a refugee in human rights violations.  While refusing to investigate or file my claims of all the
government crimes I have documented.
December 5th 1:00pm SCL alameda Lakewood appointment.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

For The General Public Record
Documentation of the continued discrimination and utilization of fraud and compartmentalization to deny people basic human rights.
These are screenshots from the Canada government website and the UNITED NATIONS OHCHR complaint procedure website.
A series of scams that deny you the ability to apply as a refugee = the legalized police enforced starvation in my case, 233 people died homeless in the streets of Denver Colorado during 2018. 218 people died homeless in the streets of Denver Colorado during 2017.
The Canada refugee scam, The adobe update scam that prevents me from downloading the PDF application forms. How can you apply without the forms?
The endless update your adobe reader scam to deny people access to the forms required to apply. I have the adobe reader version required to view the form. I even went through the whole process of going to adobe and making sure it was updated to the format required. Complete corporate fascism, adobe reader is not required to print out the form. I should be able to download the PDF document, take it to the library and print it out without ever needing adobe, or whatever endless update scam that is being utilized.
Here is a screenshot of the adobe application that says it is the correct version to view the form, that I don't need to use to print out the form regardless. I just documented this scam still occurring today, I have emailed numerous Canada immigration agencies about this including the only complaint contact available to the border services. Lets document that complaint scam process now. None of these contact applications are confirming that the complaint is being received anymore, perhaps that is just for Leif Rhymney Bennett.

The UNITED NATIONS human rights complaint version of the application scam. I downloaded the UN OCHR complaint form, Its a word document not a free PDF. The procedures and instructions for filing a complaint are PDFs but you have to pay Microsoft for word to be able to file the complaint. That is corporate fascism in full effect. The UNITED NATIONS CORPORATION mandates profit for the MICROSOFT CORPORATION word software to file a complaint. I cant afford to buy food or pay rent but MICROSOFT doesn't have enough money. The instructions are in PDF yet the form is only available in MICROSOFT word.
Canada requires me to get the OHCHR corporation refugee documentation for my refugee status.
screenshot of  the PDF instructions and a screenshot of the MICROSOFT word software mandatory use for the form.
Standard procedure of corporate fascism utilization of compartmentalization to deny poor people the ability to file complaints and mandate profits for corporations like MICROSOFT who don't have enough money. This is an exact example of how corporations like the UNITED NATIONS  CORPORATION causes 30,000 children to die of poverty every day, using the old unacurate anno dominae calander scam year 2000 reports.
Full documentation of how the these government all rights reserved limited liability corporations, the bankrupt USA to the zionist run private for profit FEDERAL RESERVE CORPORATION, the government of Canada CORPORATION, the England/UK CORPORATION and the COMMONWEATH OF NATIONS CORPORATION will force me to stay in the bankrupt USA CORPORATION discriminated against homeless denied food assistance and healthcare for 7 years now, fully documented to the point of starvation. For being born with the genetic disorder dystonia and surviving over 40 years of police enforced catholic abuse.
I have a 100% do not get the job ratio for telling the truth about my dystonia on job applications.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Pillar of fire catholic school sacrifice circles

For The General Public Record
Lets document the how THEY perform their animal sacrifices and build it into communities.
I have known 5 people that were abused at the pillar of fire catholic school. I lived across the road federal blvd for approximately 25 years at 2991 w 81st ave #e Westminster Colorado 80031.
You can look up the sacrifice circles on googhoul maps. All the screenshots are from googhoul maps satellite view.
Here are the series of sacrifice circles THEY have built, that I have watched for over 25 years. I will need to take a screenshot of the whole area. the fisrt cul de sac housing roads are a large circle also.
Its a process of building the roads, then performing the sacrifices for 5 through 10 years then building the houses, condos/ apartments, park, etc after the years of sacrifices.
The cul de sac (dead end) was where I first saw the animals THEY would sacrifice, seemed to be a monthly ritual. It was approximately 1990 when we moved there. The roads and sidewalks were all ready there but no houses were built until the late 90's. They would sacrifice the animals at the north end of the cul de sac, then it was a process of moving the old dead animals to the gutter sidewalk area, usually east or west. then the animals were moved to the yards, just fields back then. A new dead animal every month while the old dead animals kept getting moved out ward in the yards.
The sidewalk was a dirt path back in the 90's and the shortest way to go to the east. I avoided the path because I could not bear to look at the dead animals. All kinds of animals, dogs, cats, birds, etc, that appeared to get skinned, burnt and mutilated. It disgusted me so I never looked close.
I was going to friends one night, late close to midnight and I saw the perpetrators gathering and waiting for others. They wear black cloaks and are hard to see in the fields. Occasionally I have seen them going across the fields just north of the greenbriar apartments heading east from the pillar of fire school. Usually that is just a single individual, THEY seem to come from the nearby area.
The new sacrifice circle built just north of the cul de sac. In the new area of roads built without the houses built. The same process being done to this day. This is being built by the city of Westminster and police of  departments adams county, STATE OF COLORADO  and the F.B.I. refuse to investigate this. They harass, intimidate and threaten my life to keep this, the over 40 years of police enforced catholic abuse and genetic discrimination, wrongfully denying me healthcare, disability and food assistance benefits to the point of starvation for 7 years now. To the point of international discrimination denying me my commonwealth rights by Canada and England.
If I end up dead, covering up these crimes is why. THEY will attempt to suicide me, standard procedure by these Abrahamic child sacrifice WARshippers.
The park circle is the same, set up like an alter to the north. Occasionally I have noticed the dead animals in the small child park circle. Apparently THEY put a small dead animal like a bird or squirrel under the slide stair play arrangement. I never found anything skinned or large there. I suspect THEY use the 2 water areas to put the sacrifice animals in now. The same arrangement in the spot by the large park circle and the small new circle. I will continue with more facts and evidence until THEY kill me or starve me to death.

Contact confirmation scam

For The General Public Record
This is to document what is being done to me Leif Rhymney Bennett now. I have plenty of email response and contact confirmation facts and evidence. It is to the point now I cant even get any confirmation from me emails and use of contact submittals at websites. This includes the Home Office in England and now Canada Immigration Center, including Immigration services.
I will fully document the discrimination being done to me, Leif Rhymney Bennett now on an International scale. My human rights, civil rights and Commonwealth rights are being completely violated.
This is how far these corrupt corporations posing as governments will go to cover up and continue abusing, raping, torturing and murdering children, enforced by police to the point of starvation, wrongfully denying me food assistance and healthcare for 7 years now.
this blog has been clearly shadow banned by googhoul, to document googhoul and youtube censorship of the genetic discrimination being done to me Leif Rhymney Bennett.
I have tons of facts and evidence of email interference, mail interference and censorship of these crimes by googhoul and youtube. That is participating in the genetic discrimination and enforcing and covering up catholic abuse by googhoul and youtube to this day.
I just went 4 days without receiving an email on the account. the 1st time that has ever happened, at exactly the same time I started contacting Canada Immigration to fully inform them of my arrival at the port authority. And to utilize Canada Immigration services before I arrive, so Canada does not have a homeless starving refugee at the port authority.
Apparently Canada Immigration will do everything in their power to make Leif Rhymney Bennett a starving homeless refugee for being born with a genetic disorder dystonia and surviving over 40 years of police enforced catholic abuse, 7 years of wrongfully denied healthcare and food assistance while police harass, intimidate and threaten my life to starve me, Leif Rhymney Bennett.
Lets fully document how far these corrupt corporate governments will go to protect catholic abuse junky Janice Karol Bennett and drunk, drug dealer, deadbeat dad Arthur John Bennett who can get arrested for selling over a pound of cocaine then just return to England and never pay his child support, all fully supported and covered up by the bankrupt US and now England/UK, Canada and the Commonwealth of nations.
If this can be done to me Leif Rhymney Bennett, it can be done to every human on this planet. Documentation of the genetic discrimination, racial discrimination, religious discrimination and political discrimination as it is occurring on an International scale.
Why cant any of these nations answer an email and follow their statutes? criminals?
facts and evidence of contacting and not receiving any confirmation. this has become standard procedure now of unaccountable bureaucrat scam corporations that cant even confirm an email or even confirm the use of their contact application.
I have every right to these services that are being wrongfully denied to me Leif Rhymney Bennett.
 facts and evidence of the shadow banning in full effect when I started contacting Canada Immigration again.
Facts and evidence of the email scam that started exactly when I contacted Canada Immigration again.
I am a test subject for these JTRIG operations. For being born with a genetic disorder dystonia and surviving over 40 years of police enforced catholic abuse to the point of starvation.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Commonwealth scam

For The General Public Record
Documenting the Commonwealth of nations scam. I have right to abode in England, only if I can afford the scam extortion fees apparently. My Common wealth rights are dependent on the residency scam. The residency statute corporate people are private property to the stakeholders?
All rights reserved for the Canada Immigration Center corporation and the Commonwealth corporation. Leif Rhymney Bennett has no rights apparently, just extortion fees he cant afford.
The slave master Arthur John Bennett, my sperm donor, drug dealer dead beat dad who never paid his child support. (fully enforced now by international governments Canada, UK and bankrupt U.S.A.) can go live in Canada to not go to the Vietnam war. I think my grandfather John Bennett lived in Canada nearly 100 years ago. Probably because we have distant family in Canada.
Yet Leif Bennett cant get a response from Canada, the Commonwealth and the Home Office in England/UK. Please find me any way to contact These scam corporations about my right to abode?
I am only the son of Arthur John Bennett if I can afford the corporate government all rights reserved fees.
Comparatively, I have corrupt police harassing me daily for their over 40 years of enforcing catholic abuse. yet I cant get a response about my human, civil and commonwealth rights violations being done to me to this day.
The Canada Immigration Center Scam. They urge you to use the online format, Yet it is impossible to do that. Standard procedure in corporate bankrupt governments to private for profit bankers.
I will now document how far these bankrupt governments will go to continue discriminating against Leif Rhymney Bennett.
People in prisons cant have their rights violated the way my rights are. Cant starve the prisoners like Leif Rhymney Bennett gets starved, wrongfully denied every benefit for 7 years now. Cant have police enforce catholic violence to prisoners and lie about and cover it up.
I live in mandated violence, poverty and pain enforced by armies of corrupt police at gun point.

Arthur John Bennett can get arrested for selling pounds of cocaine, just return to England and never pay his child support , and International governments will enforce that on Leif Rhymney Bennett.
Leif Rhymney Bennett will have all his rights violated by international governments, to the point of starvation, for being born with the genetic disorder/disability dystonia and having police enforce a catholic abuse junky for over 40 years.
I will document these crimes and all the Googhoul, facebook, youtube censorship and shadow banning to enforce the crimes. Its against their code of conduct to do anything to stop government crimes. And will do everything possible to cover up and lie about the crimes so they will continue.
The Canada Immigration Center scam, you cant download the PDF application because you don't have the correct version of the software. When I actually do have that version of the software already. Just another bureaucrat computer glitch scamming Leif Bennett into starvation or prisons for profit.
Do you know how many statute/code scams I have gotten changed? I have lost track, Its astonishing how relentless THEY are at perpetrating every crime THEY possible can.